Welcome to the website for Mu-Omega Alumni Association of Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) Fraternity at George Mason University located just west of Washington, D.C. in Fairfax, Virginia.
TKE was founded in 1899 by several students at Illinois Wesleyan University, in the small Midwestern town of Bloomington.
The Founders desired an organization different from those represented by the existing fraternities. Their desire was “to establish a fraternity in which the primary requisites for membership would be the personal worth and character of the individual rather than the wealth he possessed, the honors or titles he could display, or the rank he maintained on the social ladder.” The Founders had little regard for many of the common characteristics of fraternities at that time, including their usual snobbery and disdain for persons outside of a fraternity.
TKE Mu-Omega was established in 1970 by the men of “The Symposium” in their quest to further academic, fellowship and philanthropic opportunities as part of a national organization. In 2021, the association hosted a 50th celebration to honor its legacy and the nearly 950 alumni who pledged their oath to Tau Kappa Epsilon.
The mission of the association, in keeping with the vision of the founders, is to promote Fellowship, Professional Development, and Scholarship for both the undergraduate members of the chapter and among the alumni of Mu-Omega. All initiated members who are in good-standing with TKE International are welcome and encouraged to participate. Annual dues are purely voluntary, but certainly assist the association and its board execute programs supporting the mission.
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Thank you for visiting our website. For more information about the association, please contact us at muomegatke@gmail.com