TKE Mu-Omega Alumni Association, Inc. is a nonprofit membership group formed for the benefit of the alumni of Mu-Omega TKE Chapter at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. All initiated TEKEs are welcome to join the association if they are no longer pursuing a 4 year degree program, regardless of their home chapter. All eligible alumni who are in good standing with TKE International are encouraged to participate in the association and contribute financially through a yearly dues payment.
As an alumni association we are committed to benefitting our alumni through our mission and charter which includes:
- Fellowship. Just like being an undergraduate Frater, being an alumni allows us to maintain and encourage the relationships we built during our time at GMU. One of the main aspects of our AA is to enhance the ability to maintain and grow the fellowship we have with other TKE alumni.
- Scholarship. We created the Frater Gene Barnes Memorial Scholarship fund some 30 years ago. Frater Gene brought much to our local chapter, and in his honor, we hope to continue his legacy by sponsoring undergraduate TKEs in their educational endeavors. Today, 40% of your dues goes directly to this fund.
- Professional Development & Networking. What good is an association, post completion of your academic studies, if you cannot leverage the greater association to advance your business career. With 50 years of graduates, at all stages of various business careers (Doctors, Lawyers, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, etc.), our AA will further your career. Today, 40% of your dues goes directly to this fund.
in keeping with our mission to promote fellowship opportunities, the association sponsored a 50th anniversary weekend on October 14-17, 2021 to celebrate our 50 years as fraters in the bond. We had nearly 180 registered guests and a weekend full of rekindling old friendships, making a few news ones, and celebrating the bond we share as members of TKE. The 55th anniversary is planned for May of 2025.
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LinkedIn Group/Professional Network
TKE Mu-Omega Alumni Association Facebook Group Page
TKE Mu-Omega Alumni Association YouTube Channel
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