The Beginnings

Subject: Origins of the Symposium which became the TKE fraternity at George Mason College

The Symposium was established at George Mason College after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, I always remember that time and the events surrounding it.

We returned to classes to continue our education as best we could a few days later.  A small group of use gathered in a car to discuss the events of that week and decided to establish a fraternity which would be the first at the College and would be a tribute to President Kennedy. We originally created the Fraternity with eleven members to honor the date of the assassination. Officers were elected , rules were established, and the Fraternity began to flourish as we original eleven, over time, all left GMC to complete our educations at various Universities.

University of Virginia George Mason College, Bailey’s Crossroads, VA.

Our group of young men were aware that the College would soon be moving to the new campus in Fairfax and would transform into a full-fledged four-year University. We felt that establishing a fraternity would both serve our College and community in the short term and start a fraternal community for the future of the University.

The College was originally housed in an old Elementary School at Baileys Crossroads. After the school moved to more permanent facilities in Fairfax, we heard that the Symposium became affiliated with the National TKE Fraternity which made us very proud.

John P. Murphy

Scroll #948

November 22, 2021

Footnote: Frater Murphy was initiated at Mu-Omega Chapter in the Spring 2022 as an honorary member of Tau Kappa Epsilon.