Fraters and Friends, it’s been too long since we all got together and cooled off with a few suds, what better way to reconnect than meeting at the home of the GMU Tekes, Brion’s Grille for the Craft Beer Tasting next week. So it’s official now, TKE Alumni Happy Hour this upcoming Thursday July 12!! Please join the facebook event if you’re coming, see you there!! YITB
Join us for a Craft Beer Tasting!
Guests will receive:
•Unlimited 3oz tastes of all nine beers being sampled (see listing below),
• 2 FREE beers, and
• A vote for Brion’s beer of the month
• Your chance for many prizes that will be given away!
Beers being sampled that night are from Devils Back Bone, Goose Island & Belgium:
Devils Backbone | Vienna Lager | Congo Pale Ale | Eight Point IPA
Goose Island | Summertime Kolsch | 312 Urban Wheat | Honkers Ale
Tickets (quantities are limited) are available now at the Bar and are $15 per person.